Most Network Marketing

There is not a week goes by that a network marketer doesn't contact me because they are striking out trying to promote their MLM business online.

The conversation usually starts off with Dale, I would like to hire you to help me with my online marketing campaign.

When asked what there goal is; they usually respond with I want to sponsor new distributors into my downline. My next question is what website are you promoting?

Nine times out of ten it is a corporate, self replicated site.

I see this scenario play out over and over. There are three glaring problems. Let's examine these 3 problems in detail in hopes that you won't make these common mistakes.

#1 RECRUITING IS A PROCESS not an Event! To think that you are going to be able to drive traffic to a website and have people immediately pull out their credit card and join your company and order $200 worth of your product or service is a pipe dream. It is not going to happen.

Yes on rare occasions it may happen, but the majority of the time it is by people that have already tried your product, or have been previously educated about your opportunity.

Recruiting is a process, not an event.

The purpose of a website is not to "sell people" it is to "to collect data".


This is by far one of the biggest mistakes MLM distributors make. They send website traffic to a corporate self-replicated site. When your visitor arrives they have dozens of choices. They can watch the corporate video, read about the backgrounds of your home office staff, click and learn about 3 dozen different products, etc. etc.

A confused mind does nothing! One rule of internet marketing is to sell one thing and sell it well. The more choices you give a visitor the more likely they will leave your site and you will never hear from them again!

You should be using lead capture pages, not corporate self-replicated sites. Again, the purpose of your website is to collect data on potential customers or business prospects.

#3 DECIDE WHAT YOUR MRW IS, "Most Wanted Response" from your Website Visitors.

It is NOT for them to buy or join, it is for them to leave you their data so you can professional follow up with them.

I am shocked at the number of distributors who are spending big money driving traffic to websites that do not have the ability to capture data. Websites are a lead generation tool, not a recruiting tool.

Self-replicated sites are great tools to help train new distributors regarding the facts, figures, and company background but very few have been designed as data gathering, prospecting sites.

So make sure you send traffic only to sites that capture data with a clear Most Wanted Response and you will be miles ahead of your competition.

There are 7 Critical mistakes that most all network marketers make when attempting to prospect on the internet. For more information on the other common mistakes, see the resource box below.

About the Author:
Dale Calvert is a self made marketing millionaire. You can find a directory of his websites at and request a FREE Copy of his 20 Page Report, the Top 7 Mistakes Network Marketers make marketing online at

Article Source: - Most Network Marketing

MLM, Mlm Training, Mlm Leads, NETWORK MARKETING LEADS, Real Time Mlm Leads, Online Mlm Leads